
Transformed lives and restored hope

2017/18: Brand Strategy & Website

Mercy UK are transforming lives and restoring hope, in partnership with local churches across the UK. They are committed to educating leaders, equipping individuals and empowering churches.

With a commitment to always run residential homes, Mercy UK have enlarged and expanded their services to the local church with 'Keys to Freedom', an 8 week interactive discipleship course. As such, their site had quickly become completely outdated and un-user-friendly.


Explain your ‘why’ so your audience can make it their ‘why’

There were a number of things to build and work through - the charities ‘Why’ was well known, but never really written out, so that naturally had to come first. We then had to go through the UX of the site, what was wanted or needed first, by whom and how would they get it. Alongside the inner workings of a very informative site, I built an e-commerce platform encompassing events tickets, books and apparel. The entire site needed to be user-friendly for supporter using it and for the staff maintaining it.